Tuesday, June 9, 2015

F R E E !

(Teen Books Free Logo)

Who doesn't love free? No one. That's why I decided I'd make my book available for free and the results exceeded my expectations. The order numbers jumped from 7 to 145 books in one day! Haha, I don't care about the money just yet I really just want people to enjoy the story I'm putting out there! I'm actually very glad I decided to take this independent, online publishing route. I created my own cover with no one nagging me about what's going to 'sell to the market', I didn't have to wait MONTHS OR YEARS for an agent (even though I sent out plenty of queries and was rejected by quite a few, still waiting to hear from some more), and I got to get it out there super quick so there was no 'we'll release this in 2050 when the market is ready' -_- The only downside I would say to publishing so quickly is not having it properly edited for grammar. I hate when I'm rereading and STILL find errors, like I can't believe with the number of times I've gone over it there's still things I missed! Oh well, in due time all the necessary changes will be made (grammatical). ANY WHO, so I made my book free; initially the free dates were from June 9-June 13, but I decided that was too long, so I wanted to change it to June 9-June 11th. I messed something up so it won't be free on the 10th (SORRY) but will remain free on the dates from the 11th to the 12th (YAY). Back to the point - making it free and available to anyone opened a lot of doors, teenbooksfree.com even posted my book on there website which I believe is where a lot of the traffic came from! It makes me so happy to go to sleep knowing there are around 160 people around the world reading a story that I created. I will NEVER get over this feeling!

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