Happy Thursday everybody! I would like to direct your attention to a blog called The Bee Writes.. HERE
This is my first published interview! I'm so excited I hope it gives me the little boost that I was looking for. If you're searching for a new way to get your name out there, I suggest you head on over and try to get yourself an article! It's important to get your name out there in any and every way possible because the more people see your name, the more they'll want to know about you and eventually your books! That's pretty much it for today...it's been a slow week. Have a great rest of the day! :)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
#MinuteMondays - Analyzing an Excerpt from an Article by Tracy Kuhn
["A man writes some books. They’re not brilliant examples of literary prowess but are obviously entertaining because millions of people buy them, and after all, who are we to decide what someone else should read, right?
His books all follow a certain formula and you know how they’ll end but that’s fine. People obviously like that. There are hardly any women in his books and the ones that are are very one-dimensional, and often defined in terms of their sexuality. But never mind, he’s a top bloke!
People make fun of him and complain and roll their eyes when he publishes a new one but they buy them anyway. He’s very rich and doesn’t care what people think. Good for him. Nobody would be able to recognise him in the street of course but writers don’t write to be pin-up stars.
Another male writer churns out books at an alarming rate, often a few a year. He has a team of co-writers. It’s more a successful business model than a creative endeavour but he has millions of fans and has earned a kind of respect from his predominantly male readers.
His books feature women but he’s one of many authors who glamorise violence (often sexual) against women. But again, good for him, he’s found a way of making lots of money, let him get on with it. What does he look like? I have absolutely no idea.
Then we have a woman. She writes books. Their literary merit is a matter of opinion; as with any book it’s very subjective, but they have sold in their millions. There’s some debate about what her books are about, and I haven’t got room here to talk about the differences between S&M and abuse, but some say that the books are about a BDSM relationship in which the female character has all the control, others say it’s about sexual violence and a controlling, abusive partner. Some of these people may even have read the book.
Most people are familiar with what she looks like; for example, I personally know that she recently left a gym without any make up on and was wearing a blue quilted jacket, with jeans tucked into calf length boots. In case you were wondering. Oh, and by the way she’s 52.
Her books have turned everyone into a literary critic. Her readers (predominantly female) are called stupid or desperate. Her writing is picked apart, sentence by sentence. She’s torn apart on social media. It’s not bullying of course, it’s for our own good and it doesn’t count in this case because hey, most of us doing the attacking are women who are defending other women, so you can’t touch us. To do so would be to condone abuse, you animal!...."] - "Women, Know Your Place!" Tracy Kuhn for BooksByWomen.org for the full article click HERE
First of all, I must say WOW! When I first came by this article, I thought it would be something I skim through and offer my 'mm' and 'ohs' to, however, that was NOT that case. After reading this full article by Tracy Kuhn I was BLOWN away. She didn't hit the nail on the head, she SMASHED it! Kuhn is drawing a comparison between a successful unnamed male author (I get the sense that it may be James Patterson..anyone else?) and an equally successful unnamed female author (I think we all know that it's E.L James). In this piece Kuhn notes the differences in the way these two authors are treated by society and I must say it's fairly spot-on.
My thoughts are this: Take any successful male author and you will see nothing but praise for the genius work he's created, even if his books are redundant in their story lines. Why is that? It may be because...well he's just the man. Now look at Mrs.James. Here is a woman that's broken records on so many levels and continues to get picked on for what she's created. Since slut-shaming has been deemed unacceptable is this the new thing, #CreativeShaming? For some odd reason, people all over are acting as if Fifty Shades of Grey is the most embarrassing thing she's ever done and won't let her live it down (even though it's probably the first book they've picked up since the Twilight series). The masses just love finding the next big thing to hate, don't they? Even though I'm sure James is not bothered by the harsh criticism, after all that's what comes with the big scale author life and she's too busy planning her next big project. Though, I must say I'm not sure it's just a woman thing. I think James in particular gets picked apart so wildly is because she's a woman having a voice about sex and God forbid a woman having such an influential voice about sex. What are your thoughts?
Saturday, August 1, 2015
The Importance of Social Media!
What's up everybody? I hope you're enjoying your weekend - I promise whatever you're doing beats getting over being sick like me! Which is why I haven't posted in about two days or so, I barely had the energy to text (Ha! Imagine that in this day and age). Fortunately, today is a new day, it's beautiful outside, the temperature is perfect, and I'm feeling 100% better! In today's blog post I want to welcome you to the age of Social Media - if you haven't been welcomed already. I will be talking about the important role it plays in today's marketing and how it can help you as a self-published author. As you can see, a great deal of the world's population is constantly active on social media. Though this may be a scary thought to those of you who are convinced social media will be the demise of the human race, we all have to look at the positive outcomes of the new way of networking. As an author, it is very important to build relationships with your readers, for they are the ones that support you and will be looking out for your next piece of work. With social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and more it's very easy to engage with them. On these networks they can follow you for updates and share your posts - resulting in the growth of your audience! Also through these platforms you can reach out to them individually, this creates a better bond than an all-inclusive, trying-to-reach-everyone-at-once marketing scheme. Though there are a variety of different social media sites and apps, the ones I would recommend most for authors would be Facebook and Twitter. Ever since I've joined Twitter I've been included in a group called ASMSG. It stands for Author Social Media Support Group and it consists of roughly 1100 members who are all authors supporting each other's works on social media. It makes for great exposure and you discover new reads by people just like you! One thing you have to remember when using social media is that it's all about consistency and delivery. Overall, it can be extremely beneficial to you in building your following and getting your work out there!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
On and Off Days
It's HUMP DAY! We're almost into the weekend so everyone hang in there (even though we all know that if you're a self-published author the online marketing never ceases no matter what day of the week). Today I'd like to talk about ON and OFF days when it comes to marketing your book online. So you've got your social media sites up and running and you have a decent amount of people looking at your blog and following your tweets. You've got a few people reviewing your book but you need more, so you tweet out to book lovers, offering free books in exchange for a review. Just yesterday this tactic seemed to be the master key you've been looking for! However, today it seems as if all the locks have changed. What am I doing wrong? You may ask yourself. Is it the way I'm wording it? Is it the time of the day? What changed? Sometimes you may just have to realize that there will be good days and there will most definitely be bad days in this hectic world of online marketing. Don't be discouraged! The best thing to do in this situation is keep at it the way you were doing before - send out a mass amount of tweets and in due time the people will get back to you! It's not the end of the world. Keep pushing!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Maybe the Best Way to Sell is to...Not Sell?
Good afternoon (or whichever time of the day it is for you :) everyone! How are you today? I've been spending my days off completely immersed in the social media world pushing my book as if my life depended on it. We all know how tiring online marketing can be whether you're doing it for your book or a business in general but I think I might have reached a breakthrough - don't sell. WHAT?! You might ask, as I asked myself as well. However, you have to think about it. Imagine that you're a tourist in Times Square in New York City and you see all of these flashing lights advertising items and services of various sorts and you also have people on the street in your face trying to get you to purchase something. Everything's moving so fast and you can barely catch up. That's kind of how it is on social media, EVERYONE is trying to get something out there! So how about a new approach? Make friends, talk to people, and slowly ease them into what you do. Lead them to your blog or your twitter and most importantly build a following. In this day and age, having a following is so much more important than the product you're pushing, that is a guaranteed fact. Yes, you may have created a masterpiece but in all honesty no one is really interested in what you've created unless they're truly interested in you. With that being said, head off into the rest of the week with these words marinating in your mind. Happy Tuesday!
Monday, July 27, 2015
#MinuteMondays - An Excerpt from Ch. 6 of 'The Improbable'
Hey everybody, I hope you enjoyed your weekend! As I continue to grow my presence online, I'm learning new ways to engage with readers from all over. With that being said, I want to start something called #MinuteMondays. This will be where I share excerpts from books that I've read and from my own book, just to to enjoy or discuss. I hope you like it! :)
In this scene, David is with his best friends Timmy and Chris at Chicago's Prestigious City Club for a drink. He sees Eva-Marie outside and wants to apologize for his unpleasant behavior but things don't go exactly as planned....
“What do you have to do?” Chris asked.
“Trying to take down Chicago’s Trioxytin producer,” I shrugged. “I’ll be undercover so from now on I’m not David O’Neil…I’m David Finley. And I’m not a cop and my father isn’t the chief.” It was imperative that I let them know in case anyone asked them about me.
“So what do you do…?” Chris eyed me.
“Can we tell whoever asks that you’re a male prostitute?” Timmy asked, looking at me expectantly.
It went silent as Chris and I stared him down with questioning looks followed by our laughter. It was a great feeling taking a break away from the seriousness of the station. “Just say I’m a law student,” I shrugged.
“David Finley, attorney at law!” Chris said in a voice that made me sound like a superhero.
“He said law student you goof,” Timmy shook his head.
“It’s the same thing you idiot.” Chris argued.
“Do you not hear yourself?” Timmy looked at Chris and rolled his eyes.
While they bickered back and forth, a couple eating on the porch outside caught my eye. How long had they been out there? The female was partially facing me; I could only see her lower profile with her sun hat covering the rest. At least seven shopping bags surrounded her feet and a black man who I had recognized from the party sat across from her – Ray. Instantly, I knew it was Eva-Marie. I wanted to see her; I actually felt…bad for being so rude to her.
After she had blown up on me in the elevator, I was mad at myself for being such a big prick to gorgeous woman. She had looked stressed as it was and it was clear that I had only made it worse that day. Everything she had said to me made sense, she’d set me straight like no one ever had. It was…a bit of a turn on. Something inside of me that I couldn’t quite put my finger on just desperately wanted apologize to her. I had no plan of action and I didn’t even think she’d listen to me after the way I acted towards her.
Without thinking about it for too much longer, I rose from my seat and made my way outside. My palms broke out in a cold sweat and I had no clue what I was going to say. Not even a hint at what I was going to say. It felt like my throat had gone dry but at that point it was do or die since I was already standing at their table, behind Ray.
“Eva?” I wasn’t sure if I had meant to say her name as a question or statement. I wanted to go back inside. What was I doing? Usually I had no soft spot for anyone in my heart.
She slowly set down her iced tea. The brim of her sun hat covered one eye but her dark eye was still as intense as if both were uncovered. My God, those eyes! Her brown skin looked radiant against the navy blue and floral print of her thin, short-sleeved dress. Not a curl was out of place and her lips were colored perfectly red once again. She was every bit as stunning as I remembered.
“Yes, that’s me.” She said. Eva lifted her head and her dark eyes focused on me. She raised her eyebrows, probably wondering what I could possibly have to say to her.
The man she was with rose from his seat and turned to see me. “That’s Eva-Marie to you, do you know her?”
“I’m David. David Finley.” I answered and offered him my hand to shake.
Ray shook my hand while he stared at me with squinted eyes. I didn’t like him already with the way he was staring. “Do you know her, Mr. Finley?”
“I do, actually. We met–” I began but Eva cut me off.
“Ray, honey, this is the man that saved me from drowning the night of the party.” She stood. “Now I never got to thank you Mr. Finley,” Eva-Marie took a step closer to me with her arms crossed across her chest, staring at the ground. “As we’ve discussed before.” Her eyes bore into mine and by that I knew she was referring to the elevator incident. “And judging by your attitude in the previous times we’ve ran into each other, I don’t see why I should.” She looked at me expectantly with Ray behind her appearing as if he was ready to jump between us at any moment.
I was in a tough place because I had come to apologize and Eva-Marie didn’t seem like she was willing to accept anything I had to say. Well if she didn’t want it she was going to get it and that was going to be the end of it. I didn’t need her annoying attitude. “Well if you must know that’s why I came out here. Not for a ‘thank you’ but I, myself, wanted to apologize to you. In the incidents that occurred between us, I was out of line. I had no right to yell at you in such a way and for that, I’m sorry. But it seems like you’re not willing to let it go so I’ll just leave it at that then.” I heard her gasp as I turned to walk away. I tried to do something nice and she didn’t want to accept it, I knew I never should’ve walked out there in the first place!
“Hey!” Ray called. He caught up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around immediately and swiped it away forcefully. “You get your goddamn hands off of me.” My anger began to boil.
“What in God’s name possessed you to come out here and speak to my woman like that?” He demanded.
“Maybe if you could control your bitch and her attitude I wouldn’t be talking crazy to her!” I hissed, getting in his face. Eva-Marie’s attitude had lit the fuse and he was going to make me explode. At that point, I was ready to take him out.
“Okay fellas, okay, c’mon break it up!” Timmy’s voice came from behind me and Chris appeared in front of me, pushing me back away from Ray.
Ray chuckled haughtily. “You keep that dog on a leash.”
“Whatever he says doesn’t matter, man.” Chris said trying to get me to make eye contact with him.
“As long as you keep yours on one,” I spat and reluctantly followed Chris and Timmy back inside.
Friday, July 24, 2015
On Twitter and It's FREEBIE FRIDAY!
Hey everyone, happy Friday! What do you have planned for this weekend? I'll be working as usual. Sigh. I'm also going to through myself into marketing in all of my free time this weekend so pray I don't hurt myself trying to do this (haha). Also, I'm now on Twitter (@_tiarajames) so feel free to follow for any updates :) ATTENTION TO THE MONEY SAVERS: Today (Jul 24) and tomorrow I will be giving away my book, The Improbable for FREE! So tell everyone and head on over to Amazon to download it - you can also click on the 'books' tab here on the blog and it will direct you to the download link!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
For Readers AND Writers!
It's been a while...once again! Lol. Well between working every day of the week and stressing over only to get accepted into my dream school in New York City (The Fashion Institute of Technology!), I found some time to escape to Georgia with my two closest friends and forgot to post this video. I would really like to get this going so by the time I'm in school I've racked up a good amount of followers! Spread with your fellow readers and writers!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Author Request - Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Monday, June 29, 2015
What's Holding You Back?
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Sears Tower |
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Gaining Momentum....
Everyone should always always ALWAYS prepare and brace themselves when it comes to marketing their books. If you don't have a team (as you would if you traditionally publish) to do it for you, then you'd better know that there are hours upon hours of staring at a computer screen and copying and pasting the same message - that all can add up to extreme exhaustion. When I first started a few days ago, I simply looked up sites that promoted books; that search wore me out the first day. It was very boring and I just felt like no one was going to reply (side note: you're going to send out A LOT of emails with no reply). So a few days later, I chose to try a different tactic, due to not wanting to jinx it I'm not going to speak on it too much (yes, I'm childish for that I know lol). However, this new tactic seems to work better than my first one. So anyways, the point of this post: gaining momentum. In relevance to authors, this means building your audience so you can have people talking about it. Let's be honest, once you put your book out there for the world to take hold of, it's NOT going to just 'catch on' and continue to spread like wildfire (if it does then you're literally just so lucky!). Each day I learn that what I put into it is what I'm going to get out of it, though that's something you're taught all the time you never really get it until it applies to your own life. When you wrote the book, you had a plan for it; so just like when you wrote the book, create a plan for it to gain momentum. Do free promotions, discount it, do whatever it takes to get your book out there! Unless you're James Patterson or E.L James, don't worry about sales in the beginning.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
The Online Marketing Beast is Born.....
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Photo Credit to Stacy Rodriguez |
Friday, June 12, 2015
Happy Loving Day!!
In the event of LOVING DAY(the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning laws that banned interracial marriages) and its relation to my book which tells the story of Eva and David (an interracial couple), I had to post this (from newstome.blog.ajc.com)! If you're reading 'The Improbable', how far along are you? What are your thoughts? Comment to discuss, I love to hear from you! FYI, this book isn't just an interracial kind of book (meaning you don't have to be a black female who likes white males or a white female that likes black men) it's literally for any and everyone who falls in love with their story. This is a book for everyone so leave your worries at the door and start reading and falling in love!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
F R E E !
(Teen Books Free Logo)
Monday, June 8, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Bienvenue Everyone!
Okay so this is my first blog post...
First and foremost, I want this to be a community for people that are just as excited about this book as I am! When I say that I mean the kind of people who would enjoy dressing up like it's 1950 everyday, partying carefree, and driving around in a vintage drop-top convertible on the way to get ice cream. Words can't express how ecstatic I am to share this story with the world, I've never been so excited about a project of mine - mainly because this is the first project I've gone all the way through with. I put a lot of thought and hard work into this novel, I became obsessed with David and Eva's love story and I hope you do as well. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments!
First and foremost, I want this to be a community for people that are just as excited about this book as I am! When I say that I mean the kind of people who would enjoy dressing up like it's 1950 everyday, partying carefree, and driving around in a vintage drop-top convertible on the way to get ice cream. Words can't express how ecstatic I am to share this story with the world, I've never been so excited about a project of mine - mainly because this is the first project I've gone all the way through with. I put a lot of thought and hard work into this novel, I became obsessed with David and Eva's love story and I hope you do as well. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments!
- Tiara James, 2015
The view from my dorm room in St. Thomas, USVI; A picture I took the day I finished writing The Improbable
The Improbable,
Tiara James,
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